We are a Gateway
for your people.

Relationship with God, Grace to All

We exist to care for our community and connect every individual and their families to God; to see all loved, reached, included and restored.

Welcome to Gateway Church Geelong.

We are a Church based in Geelong, VIC, associated with Australian Christian Churches. We have been a part of the Geelong community since 1984.
We believe that everyone is created to live this life with meaning and purpose in relationship with God. Everyone who comes to Gateway is welcome, accepted and invited to find their place to belong.
We look forward to hosting you soon.

Sunday – 10:30am
175 Moolap Station Road,
Moolap  VIC  3224

Next Steps

Regardless of where you are at on your journey, we believe that there is a next step for you.
Most of the next steps listed below do not need to be completed in any specific order. Take your Next Step today.


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Contact Us


(03) 5223 2987


175 Moolap Station Road
Moolap  VIC  3224