Today was a day of housework, catching up on all I haven’t done in the last few weeks before my son, my daughter and her husband arrive tomorrow. I used to hate housework, but not anymore, now I do it with God’s company.
A few hours ago I felt to call things to me, in tongues, I prayed for probably an hour, sometimes stopping and just praying and receiving, as I did jobs. Then – just now – as I sat and had a cup of tea, waves of God’s love washed over me.
What did I receive? I don’t know, but I know I received something: His blessing, poured forth on me.
How do I know? Because it has happened many times to me in the past. Years ago, my husband and I applied to be cottage parents.
During the interview procedure I had to undergo a variety of psychology tests, I was diagnosed as manic depressive and bipolar. In those days I used to have huge mood swings, and had a sarcastic tongue as well. None of you who know me would recognise the old me, I was a nasty hurting person. And then one day I wasn’t. Gradually, gradually, I became a different person, with a different personality and character and it’s all through being in God’s presence.
In His presence there is fullness of joy. I have found that in His presence I just relax and He does work in me.
Sometimes I know what He is doing, other times not, but I’ve learnt to trust Him. He loves me more than I can imagine, therefore He will never hurt me. He does what is best for me at that time.
Sometime in the next few weeks I’ll probably find out what He did in me… some situation will arise and I won’t react in a bad way, the way I used to.
I’ll respond in a new way, and then I’ll know what happened today.